Axl Rose Fights Photographer at L.A. Airport En Route to Guns n’ Roses Tour

December 10th, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

Earlier today, footage of Guns n’ Roses sound checking at Taipei County Stadium in Taipei, Taiwan, in anticipation of their concert there December 11th hit Blabbermouth — with Axl Rose conspicuously missing from the mix. Now Live Daily has revealed one possible reason for Rose’s delay: the frontman got into a scuffle with a paparazzi photographer at Los Angeles International Airport last night that “ended up with a few bloodied participants.” Airport police tell RS they have no record of the incident. A call for comment from Rose’s assistant wasn’t returned by press time. Read an update on this story here.

Guns n’ Roses are booked to perform four shows in Taiwan, Korea and Japan through December 19th with a lineup that now includes Tommy Stinson, Dizzy Reed, Bumblefoot, Chris Pittman, Frank Ferrer, Richard Fortus and DJ Ashba. The band then returns to North America for a Canadian tour that stretches from January 13th through February 4th, and Gn’R’s official Website recently indicated shows in South America will keep the group on the road from March through April. No U.S. dates are currently on the schedule for what’s being called the Chinese Democracy World Tour. The band has so far played no shows in support of Chinese Democracy, which was was released in November 2008.

Classic shots of Gn’R, onstage and off.

In anticipation of the Asian dates, GNR Daily reports Rose gave an interview to a Korean news service in which he said, “Reuniting with the original members isn’t an easy thing. “The old members are all devoted to their own music, and I wholeheartedly support them in their endeavors. The important thing I’d say is to support the current members and the best environment so that we can keep making music. The only thing right now is Guns n’ Roses.”

Earlier this year, as Rolling Stone previously reported, guitarist Richar...

Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily


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